"A skilled developer starts with a small project and evolves it into a master piece." - Akutra Ramses Atenosis Cea

Currently employed by MindTree in the capacity of Senior Engineer, Akutra-Ramses Atenosis Cea, is also attending the University of Advancing Technology to attain a second degree (Computer Science). I plan on continuing my education for several more degrees. Presently, I have been employed in the computer technical field since a small child and have attained a degree in Computer Networking. One of my early tasks at a company of mine was to develop a web site on a new technology platform called HTML and the World Wide Web. Compatibility consideration was to go to Netscape version 1.1 as the most popular browser of the time. At 14 years old, I held a volunteer “Computer Systems Manager and Administrator” position for a medium size office in the Czech Republic. I grew up on technology and originally started writing small programs at 12 years old.

This web site is to present Project Super Glyph and the components thereof. I, Akutra-Ramses Atenosis Cea, coded this web site myself. I coded it for speed and style.

Project Super Glyph is designed and developed by Akutra-Ramses Atenosis Cea.